

Do you ever wish you had a big sister to walk with you through the trickiest parts of life? Now you have a whole crew of them!

Put on your comfiest sweats, grab a slice of pizza, and join us. We saved a seat just for you!

Girls Night Podcast


Being a 20/30-something isn’t easy. This season sets the tone for so much of the rest of your life. You’re making big decisions—taking ownership of your faith and your friendships, choosing a career path, looking for the person you’re going to marry, thinking about becoming a mom and so much more.

This is an important time in your life, but it can also be a painful one, a lonely one, and a confusing one…

…especially when you’re doing it alone.

But with Girls Night, now you don’t have to.

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Each week on the Girls Night Podcast, I have a girlfriend over, and we talk through one of the biggest questions we have about our lives as women.

We’re talking about friendships, and faith, and relationships, and self-confidence, about our calling in life and how to live every bit of our lives to the absolute full.

My girlfriends and I? We’re here for you.

We’re here to be your mentors, your friends, your guides, and your cheerleaders. We’re here to tell you that you're not alone in what you're going through, and that you WILL make it through. We’re here to remind you of who you are (Enough and not too much. Adored, cherished, beautiful, and deeply loved.) and to remind you who God is (We talk about God a lot around here!).

We’re also here to equip you with as many resources as possible to help you thrive in your most important relationships.

That’s what the Girls Night Podcast is here for.

We’re in this together!

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My life has gotten so much brighter because of Stephanie and the ladies she has on her podcast. I have laughed, cried, and amen’d so many times. This stuff is just good for the soul and the spirit. I consider Stephanie my new best friend and the spiritual mentor I didn’t know I so desperately needed. So grateful for Girls Night! 🙌🏼


- Katlyn

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when we’re in it together!

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I’ve been listen to Girls Night for about 6 weeks and I can’t recommend it enough! Even in just this short amount of time I feel like I’m becoming a new person and so much closer to God than I’ve ever been in my life. It truly has been life-changing! 🙏🏻💕 - Marissa

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Stephanie Wilson has become like a friend that always gives you a loving answer to the challenges we face as women. No matter what stage of life you are in, this podcast will benefit you in the absolute best way possible. Stephanie has helped me through so many hard challenges in my life. Trust me, you’ll love this podcast! - Daisy

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This podcast has really inspired such a change in my life! It’s helped me deepen my faith and learn to truly love myself. BEST PODCAST EVER! - Sarah

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(go ahead and search any topic!)



Hey friend! I’m Stephanie May Wilson, and my specialty is helping women thrive in their most important relationships:

Their romantic relationships, their friendships, their relationships with God, and their relationships with themselves! 

Why? Because when our relationships are in a good place, that’s when everything changes. 

I know I’ve seen this play out in my own life. I bet you have too.

When our relationships aren’t in a good place, when we don’t feel fully secure, seen, or loved, that’s when we start to hide. We strive, pretend, put up walls, put on masks, and in the process, we lose who we were created to be. 

(We also lose so much of our joy!)

But when our relationships ARE in a good place, it changes everything.

Something unlocks within us — allowing us to show up as our full selves — as women who are brave, beautiful, strong, smart, and totally, deeply loved.

We get to be the woman we’ve always hoped we could be, make an incredible difference in the world, and have a life that’s not only fulfilling, but also so much fun! 

Want that to be your story but aren’t sure how to make it happen? That’s what The Girls Night Podcast is here for.
