Girls Night #156: How to NOT Dread your Period (Yes, it’s Actually Possible!)



  • What your period is, why it’s important, and what you can expect from it

  • How to actually appreciate and embrace your period

  • How to know if something is within the realm of normal discomfort/inconvenience and when something is off with your body (in terms of heaviness of flow, cramps, etc.)

  • The menstrual cycle phases and what happens during each of them

  • What happens to your brain and hormones throughout your menstrual cycle (and how that affects your moods and energy levels)

  • What is cycle syncing and how you can get started doing that


(You can also listen right here!👇)


(Or watch the interview right here!👇)



Hey friends! Welcome to Girls Night!

Friends, I’m so excited about today’s episode. This is such an important topic! Today we’re talking all about our periods!

I’m excited about this episode because if you’re anything like me, you don’t spend much time learning about your period. You are pretty sure you know the basics — after all, you’ve lived with it for years now. It’s a normal part of your life.

But also, if you’re anything like me, there are really hard parts about your period that negatively impact your quality of life. Maybe you have terrible cramps, or really bad PMS, maybe your period is super irregular or really painful, but it’s always been that way so you’ve just sort of tried to accept it.

That’s how I’ve been for years. I’ve been frustrated by my period, had issues with my period, and just overall hated my period at times, but I honestly just didn’t know there was a different way.

If you can relate to any of those things, I’m so excited for you to hear this conversation.

Our guest for today’s episode is Berrion Berry. Berri is a menstrual health educator, practitioner and the creator of Optimize Your Flo. And in this episode she is teaching us everything we never learned about our periods — things I wish I knew so much sooner. We’re talking about alleviating pain, navigating our hormonal shifts, and so much more.

You guys, I learned SO much in this episode. There were things I’ve always done that I learned I should NOT be doing, and there are ways of embracing the changes in our hormones throughout the month that has totally revolutionized the way I view my period and honestly, the way I live. This was such a good conversation!

So make sure you put on your coziest sweatpants and grab a pen and paper because you don’t want to miss out on this!



Read the transcript here

Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

Steph’s prayer journals, Every Single Moment and The Between Places

Berri’s Podcast: Flow

Things Berri Probably Mentioned on the Podcast:

Learn from Berri:

Products Berri Loves:

Instagram graphics & Posts:

Quotes Mentioned:

"A period is the shedding of the uterine lining" - Berri

"A normal period should be anywhere to 3-7 days length" - Berri

"Moodiness essentially happens because there's a dip in our estrogen levels during the fourth phase of our cycles when we're PMSing" - Berri

"When you nourish effectively and properly, you can actually stabilize your energy levels which is also associated with stabilizing those mood levels" - Berri

"I think your menstrual cycle is a blueprint. And so when you learn how to use it as such, you feel a sense of peace" - Berri

"Your period is a report card from your body every month" - Berri

"Our bodies have their own language" -Berri

"Your period is normal, your pain shouldn't be...just because it's common doesn't mean it's normal" - Berri

"If the pain is preventing you from performing...then you need to go talk to your doctor" - Berri

"Your period should not hurt" - Berri

"I ate my way to better periods" - Berri

"Embrace this side of your life. You can have a period and a life" - Berri


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