Girls Night #155: How you Know When it's Time to End a Relationship (and How to Actually do it!)



  • How to communicate your concerns to your partner if you feel like something isn’t right in your relationship

  • How to figure out if you need to end a relationship and how to actually follow through

  • How to get past the fears and doubts you have about ending the relationship (when you’ve put so much time and energy into this)

  • What boundaries need to be put in place in the aftermath of a breakup

  • How to trust God and hear His voice in the midst of a big decision like this


(You can also listen right here!👇)


(Or watch the interview right here!👇)



Hey friends! Welcome to Girls Night!

Today’s episode is a harder one, but also a really important one. Today we’re talking about how you know when it's time to end a relationship (and how to actually do it!).

I wanted to do this episode because I know there are women listening to this who are currently in a relationship, maybe one they’ve been in for years, but things have been feeling off lately and you just can’t seem to figure out why. You’ve tried your best to communicate your feelings, but nothing seems to change. You know deep down that you might need to end things, but you’re feeling hesitant because you’ve invested so much time and energy into this relationship. And really, you’re just feeling stuck!

If you’re nodding your head, you’re not alone in those feelings. And I have just the right friend to talk us through this and that’s Kenz Durham from Delight Ministries! We actually had Kenz on another Girls Night episode where she briefly mentioned ending a long term relationship with her boyfriend at the time and that it was one of the hardest decisions she ever had to make. She casually mentioned that we could do a whole podcast episode about it. And so…here we are, doing exactly that! 

In this episode, Kenz shares her story – the things she’s glad she did and the things she wished she did differently. I’m so excited for you to hear from her!

One more thing – I know there are some of you listening who are not in a place of ending a relationship, but so many of the things Kenz shares applies to other situations too – other areas of our lives where we need to say goodbye, walk away, end something and we haven’t known how. So if you’re in a similar situation, this episode is for you too! 



Read the transcript here

Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

Steph’s prayer journals, Every Single Moment and The Between Places

Past Podcast episodes with Kenz (and Mac!):

Girls Night #11: How to Grow in Your Faith, in Community, and in Your Calling

Girls Night #86: How to be a Leader in Women’s Ministry

Girls Night #139: For the Girl Who Thought she Would be Married by Now (or is Just Feeling Behind in Life)

Quotes Mentioned:

"You have to carry that season with confidence, with calling, and just be so close to Jesus" - Kenz

"Say what you need" - Steph

"The other side of your obedience is going to be so worth it" - Kenz

"Start praying those prayers, start having those conversations and asking those questions, and then make a move. It doesn't need to be prolonged forever." - Kenz

"The longer you take to actually break the thing, you're prolonging your healing. So the sooner you get the break over, the sooner you can actually start to heal." - Steph

"Prolonging the pain doesn't make it less" - Steph


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