Girls Night #66: How to Let go of a Toxic Relationship (Whether it's a Boyfriend, a Friendship, or a Job)
The hallmarks of bad relationships
What to do when we feel like we’re stuck in a bad relationship
How to get out of a bad relationship
How identity and the way we see ourselves impacts our relationships
How to grow in our identity
What to do if your friend is in a bad or harmful relationship
(You can also listen right here!👇)
Hey friends! Welcome to Girls’ Night!
Our guest for today’s episode is my sweet friend, Ainsley Britain. Ainsley is an author, public speaker, and director of the Unveiled Campaign which is an amazing online community for young adults that helps us break free of the lies we believe about ourselves.
I’m so grateful to have Ainsley here with us today. The truth is that today she’s going to be sharing some tough stories from her life. She’s telling us about a few times when she found herself in some pretty toxic relationships. She’s going to share with us how she found herself there, why she stayed for so long, and how she ended up finally getting out.
I’m so grateful that she’s willing to share with us today, because these conversations are so important.
I would venture a guess that most of us have found ourselves in at least one unhealthy relationship in our lives. Maybe it was a romantic relationship, a work relationship, a friend relationship. And maybe it was the kind of relationship that wasn’t the best — we really deserved better but we didn’t fully realize it. Or maybe the relationship was toxic, dangerous, or abusive.
We’re running the gamut today, and I’m so glad Ainsley is here to share her wisdom with us.
Before we jump in though, I want to say one thing:
We are talking about some tough stuff in this episode, and so if something is triggering for you, please feel free to turn off the episode. You do not have to listen to the end if something gets a bit too hard. But, that being said, if this episode does bring up something tough for you, I really really hope you’ll reach out to someone in your life about it. Okay? You do not have to navigate this alone.
Friends, my hope for this episode is that it gives you a little extra oomph. Ending a friendship, a relationship, quitting a toxic job, these are hard things to do. Sometimes it’s hard to believe we deserve any better! But my hope and my prayer is that this episode gives you that little extra oomph that you need — that it gives you courage as you find out that you’re not alone in what you’re going through, and that it reminds you that you not only deserve better, but that better is out there for you.
Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)
Girls Night #20: Answers to our biggest questions about counseling & therapy
Relationship red flags Ainsley mentions:
+ Anger
+ Control
Quotes mentioned:
"A boo boo dude treats a ride or die chick like a side chick" - Ainsley
"Whatever is holding you back from stepping into the treatment you deserve, you need to work on getting that out of here" - Ainsley
"We're so much better when we have people in our corner helping us" -Stephanie
"Semi-sexual assault is still sexual assault" - Ainsley
"Freedom is on the other side of fear" - Ainsley
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here’s another resource I know you’ll love!
Every Single Moment
A 100-day prayer journal to help you savor the present and prepare for the future!