Girls Night #37: How to Find a Team of Girlfriends Who Will Help you Achieve your Dreams

We’re talking about friendship, and how to find your tribe of women. But we’re not talking about ordinary friendship, we’re talking about business friends — finding women with similar goals, who you can run your race with.


  • What qualities to look for in business best friends

  • How to create a meet-up structure

  • Why business groups are so important and how to find one

  • How to choose community over competition

  • How to stay connected with business friends (even if you live in different states)


(You can also listen right here!👇)

Girls Night #37: How to find a team of girlfriends who will help you achieve your dreams
Stephanie May Wilson


Hey friends! Welcome to Girls’ Night!

So, you guys have heard me say that phrase a lot, right? “Life is so much better, easier, and absolutely more fun when we navigate it together as girlfriends.” I say it constantly because I believe it with my whole heart. I believe that it’s true in every area of our lives.

It’s especially true when it comes to pursuing our dreams. 

And that’s what we’re going to be talking about today!

Today I am so excited to get to introduce you to two amazing small business owners, who also happen to be two of my closest friends, and two of the women who have made the biggest difference as I’ve pursued the things I believe God created me to do in the world.

The women you’ll meet today are TahJah Harmony, a Baton Rouge-based lifestyle photographer who takes the most beautiful maternity, newborn, and family photos, and Brianna Tosta, an LA-based Travel Designer who plans the most unbelievable trips for her clients, sending them all over the world.

TahJah and Bri have been some of my closest friends for the last several years. We met right as we were each starting our businesses, and we created a business small group (also known as a mastermind.) 

Friends, I can’t wait for you to meet these women. They’re wise and wonderful and inspiring and have made a huge difference in my life.

I wouldn't be doing the work I’m doing today without them.

And you know what? I would bet if you asked every successful woman in the world, they would be able to point to some girlfriends who made all the difference for them along the way too. 

All too often, we think we have to compete with each other as women. But I learned from the smartest women I know that it’s when we collaborate that we’re the most successful. 

When we run our races together — helping each other, cheering each other on, working together, lifting each other up, that’s when amazing things begin to happen. 

And that’s what Bri and TahJah and I have seen in our business small group over the last three years. 

So today, we’re talking about friendship, and how to find your own little tribe of women. But we’re not talking about ordinary friendship, we’re talking about business friends — finding women who are in your same industry, or women with similar goals, who you can run your race with so you guys can help each other run so much faster.

Friends, if you have big dreams for your life (which I know you do, this is a community of DREAMERS!), you are going to want to hear this conversation.

We can’t achieve our dreams alone, and thank God, right? Because it’s so much more fun when we do it together.

I can’t wait to share this episode with you! 


We’re talking about friendship, and how to find your tribe of women. But we’re not talking about ordinary friendship, we’re talking about business friends — finding women with similar goals, who you can run your race with.


Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

See Stephanie’s guide for How to Make Friends in a New City

Bri's first Girls Night episode

Marie Forleo's online business course, B-School

Bri's blog post, How to Plan an Amazing Girls Trip


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