Girls Night #263: How She Does It: A Single Mom’s Story of Adoption with Joanna Gott



  • What the journey of adoption looks like as a single mom

  • How to approach the financial aspect of adoption and find resources that can help

  • What the matching process looks like and how long it takes

  • How to let go of control and lean on God when you don’t know what’s next


(You can also listen right here!👇)


(Or watch the interview right here!👇)



Hey friends! Welcome to Girls’ Night!

Today we’re continuing our new series on the Girls Night Podcast called, “How She Does It.” 

About once a month we do a profile of a woman who’s living a beautifully, unique life and we'll get to hear the behind-the-scenes of how she does it.

We’ll also talk about what things she does or, maybe more importantly, doesn’t do to make it all happen!

The idea for this series came to me while I was writing my new book, Create A Life You Love, and so I want to read you the passage that inspired it.

Over the years, I’ve spent more and more time looking for women who are breaking the mold—creating lives that look like them and feel like them and work for them. And the more I see, the more I notice, the more empowered I feel to create my own life in a way that’s a little different, a little outside the lines, but that looks like me, feels like me, and works for me and my family. — Create a life you love

That's my hope for these episodes. 

I’m so excited about today’s episode. Today we’re talking with my new friend, Joanna Gott.  Joanna is a first time single mom through international adoption and the Content Director for Emily Lex Studios — Emily Lex is an amazing watercolor artist, author, and her childhood best friend!

And today, Joanna is sharing all about her story and what the adoption journey looked like for her!

I wanted to have this conversation because I know there're so many women — both single and married — in our community who are interested in adoption, but aren’t sure where to begin. You might be asking questions like, “Is it harder to adopt a child as a single parent?” or “How much does adoption cost and are there any ways to find support?” Joanna is going to help us through all of this!

Before we dive in, I want to let you know that we ran into a few technical issues when starting the episode, so her introduction and part of the first question is missing. Because of that, Joanna was so gracious to give us a little recap of her introduction and some context for her background and story. 

So, as I mentioned, Joanna is a mom and the Content Director for Emily Lex Studios. Her fun fact is that she knows the entire dance to Michael Jackson’s Thriller video and she once won first place in a Michael Jackson Thriller dance contest. Incredible. Right!?

After this, I asked her the first “How She Does It” question, which was this – 

"Here on the show, we’re talking about what I like to call… The Everything Era —  this weird, wonderful, and wildly difficult span of years between our late 20s and early 40s during which we make the most biographically significant decisions of our lives  (Career, marriage, motherhood, and more!) —all at the same time—and in front of an audience, no less. It’s a LOT. There’s so much pressure, specifically on women, for our lives to look a certain way, and by a certain time.

So, to start, can you tell us what this has looked like for you? What are some of the biggest “supposed tos” you wrestled with during your Everything Era?"

Here was Joanna’s answer:

“The biggest challenge for me in this era was that I was at a point in my life when things should be getting "settled" and it all kind of fell apart. My marriage of 10 years ended, my career came to a screeching halt, I was not actively pursuing a relationship with God, and suddenly this "life plan" I thought I had just didn't exist. So in my mid to late thirties I made the decision to start all over. I sold everything I owned (my house, car, all my furniture) and moved to Waco, TX where I did not know a single soul and started a brand new job. It was terrifying and hard to let go of how I imagined my life would look, but it was also such a beautiful season of growth and refinement.”

Okay, more on that in the episode! Joanna is the best and her story truly embodies what it looks like to create a life you love on your own terms.

Again, our conversation will start a little abruptly, but you’ll catch on really fast! 

Alright, let’s dive in!



✨ Order my book: Create a Life You Love

Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

Steph’s prayer journals, Every Single Moment and The Between Places

Girls Night Gift Shop

Steph’s Etsy Shop

Quotes mentioned:

"I would go back and say let go, don't try to control your life." - Joanna

"It's okay to have your own standards and expectations" - Joanna

"It's okay to say no and to create those boundaries so that you have that work-life balance and a life that you love" - Joanna




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