Girls Night #256: How to Become an Informed Voter Before the Next Election



  • A rundown of how our government in America works

  • Why voting is so important

  • How much you need to know in order to be an informed voter

  • How to find accurate and useful information about each candidate


(You can also listen right here!👇)


(Or watch the interview right here!👇)



Hey friends! Welcome to Girls’ Night!

I’m so excited about today’s episode. Today we’re talking about how to become an informed voter and avoid misinformation on the internet.

I’m excited about this episode because if you’re anything like me, you feel the weight of the political tension happening in our world right now – especially as we’re inching closer to election time! Your social media feeds are filled with everyone and their mom’s opinions on leaders and policies and, before you know it, you’re feeling angry, frustrated, and confused. And, on top of all of that, you’re wondering if your vote will actually make a difference or if it will just get lost in a giant pool of people. 

Friends, if you’re feeling this way, you’re not alone and I cannot wait to introduce you to today’s guest! 

Our guest for today’s episode is my new friend and go-to politics guru, Sharon McMahon. Sharon is on a mission to curate facts, fun, and inspiration by educating Americans on democracy, politics, and history. After years of serving as a high school government and law teacher, Sharon took her passion for education to social media to combat political misinformation with non-partisan facts. 

In this episode she’s helping us figure out which news sources are helpful and which ones might be unhelpful, why our votes matter, how to manage our mental health during elections, and how to set boundaries with family members around political conversations (and avoid arguments). 

Friends, I love this episode because it’s a (actually fun) conversation about politics (for the girl who hates politics! 🤣).

No matter what political party you align with, this episode will help you find out what’s most important to you so that you can make an informed decision this November.



✨ Order my book: Create a Life You Love

Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

Steph’s prayer journals, Every Single Moment and The Between Places

Sharon’s book: The Small and the Mighty: Twelve Unsung Americans Who Changed the Course of History, From the Founding to the Civil Rights Movement

Learn more about Alice Paul (a leader in the women’s suffrage movement)

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Quotes mentioned:

"Your vote is your voice" - Sharon

"Policies can and will change...and also people's minds can change" - Sharon


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