Girls Night #20: Answers to Our Biggest Questions About Counseling & Therapy

In this episode, we're answering your biggest questions when it comes to counseling — Am I broken if I go to counseling? Does counseling mean I don't trust God? Do I need help?


  • Why you’re not broken if you’re thinking about going to counseling

  • Why it’s important to seek help

  • How you can still trust God to help you even if you go to counseling

  • The reasons to go to counseling

  • How counseling can help you

  • How to find a good counselor and how to pay for one


(You can also listen right here!👇)

Girls Night #20: Answers to our biggest questions about counseling & therapy
Stephanie May Wilson


Hey friends! Welcome to Girls’ Night!

My guest for today's episode is my dear friend, Liz Norris. Liz is an Associate Professional Counselor in Atlanta, and that’s perfect because that’s exactly what we’re talking about today: Counseling.

If you guys have been hanging out in our community for awhile, you know that I am such a fan of counseling. It's something that has helped me so much in my life, and that’s true for pretty much every single one of my girlfriends, and all of the women I look up to the most. Counseling has been a game-changer for all of us. 

Not only that, if you’ve been following me on Instagram, you might have seen that I just recently started going back to counseling, and I’ll tell you why in this episode.

But here’s the thing: Because I’m such a fan of counseling, and because it’s something I recommend to pretty much everybody, I’m also totally aware that there are some big questions, and doubts, and even fears that come up when people mention the word.

When we’re thinking about going to counseling, we find ourselves asking questions like: 

  • Does it mean that I’m really broken that I’m thinking about going to counseling?

  • Should I be ashamed of the fact that I think I might need help?

  • Do I need help? Isn’t counseling for people with really HUGE problems?

  • Does going to counseling mean I don’t trust God enough to help me in my life?

  • How does counseling even help, anyway?

And even if you’re not asking those questions, you might have questions about the logistics of finding a counselor. How do you find a good one? How do you know what to look for? How do you pay for it? There are so many factors to consider and it can feel totally overwhelming.

But that’s why I love this episode. In our conversation today, Liz and I are going to be talking through every single one of those doubts, fears, and questions. And we’ll also share with y’all what counseling has done in our lives. I’m so excited to share this episode with you. 


In this episode, we're answering your biggest questions when it comes to counseling — Am I broken if I go to counseling? Does counseling mean I don't trust God? Do I need help?



Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

The Lipstick Gospel Devotional

The World Race

EMDR - the kind of therapy Steph did after her car accident (that she's still doing today! It's been so helpful for her!)

Psychology Today — Find a therapist

The American Counseling Association Counselor Database

The Hope Counseling Center in Atlanta

The thing bringing Liz joy these days is Montane (fizzy water similar to La Croix!)

The Soda Stream maker that Stephanie just LOVES! 

The women inspiring Liz these days are her dear friend Resnee Johnson and also Brene Brown.

A few of Stephanie & Liz's favorite Brene Brown books are:

Daring Greatly

Rising Strong

Braving The Wilderness

The Gifts of Imperfection





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Our Sponsor for today’s episode is Casper! Get $50 toward select mattresses by visiting and using promo code, GIRLSNIGHT at checkout. Terms and conditions apply.




here’s another resource I know you’ll love!


Every Single Moment

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