Girls Night #126: How to Get Healthier: Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually

In this episode, I'm talking with my guest, Debra Fileta, about how to honestly assess your own mental, emotional & spiritual health and how to pursue help when it's needed.


  • How to understand and express your emotions in healthy and helpful ways

  • How to get to the root of what you believe about yourself, others, and God

  • How to recognize the influences of past traumas and replace them with God’s truth

  • How to honestly assess your own mental health, and pursue help when it’s needed

  • How to prioritize your physical wellbeing and see how it affects every other area of your life


(You can also listen right here!👇)

Girls Night #126: How to Get Healthier: Mentally, Emotionally, and Spiritually
Stephanie May Wilson


Hey friends! Welcome to Girls’ Night!

You guys know that around here we spend a lot of time talking about relationships: Our relationships with God, ourselves, our friends, our significant others, and more!

We talk about these relationships because A. They can be really tricky, and B. They’re SUPER important. These relationships are everything to us!

And as I’ve spent so much time learning in my own relationships, and walking with women through theirs, the thing I’ve noticed along the way is that as we become healthier, our relationships do too.

It’s true. The healthier we are, the healthier our relationships are. And that’s why I’m so excited to have my friend Debra Fileta back on the show today.

Debra is a licensed counselor who has also seen, studied, and personally experienced this connection between our own health and the health of our relationships. In fact, she recently just wrote a whole book about it.

She has a new book called, Are You Really Okay where she helps us get real about who we are and how we’re doing spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and even physically, so we can recognize where we need growth and healing. 

And doing this healing is not only so important for us, but it makes an enormous difference in every one of our relationships as well.

In this episode we’re talking about:

  • How to understand and express your emotions in healthy and helpful ways

  • How to get to the root of what you believe about yourself, others, and God

  • How to recognize the influences of past traumas and replace them with God’s truth

  • How to honestly assess your own mental health, and pursue help when it’s needed

  • How to prioritize your physical wellbeing and see how it affects every other area of your life

I’m so excited to share this conversation with you. 


In this episode, I'm talking with my guest, Debra Fileta, about how to honestly assess your own mental, emotional & spiritual health and how to pursue help when it's needed.


Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

Faithful Counseling link (Get 10% off your first month of counseling)

Debra’s book: Are You Really OK?: Getting Real About Who You Are, How You’re Doing, and Why It 

Previous Girls Night episode with Debra: Girls Night #100: How to Know if You've Found "The One"

Scripture Mentioned:

Mark 12:30

Proverbs 20:5

Galations 5:22-23

John 21:25

Romans 2:4

Quotes Mentioned:

"Healthy people make healthy relationships" - Debra

"Just because you’re a Christian doesn't mean you're healthy" - Debra

"The thing that you’re most passionate about is usually birthed from some pain" - Debra

"A trauma can be defined by any sort of significant loss" - Debra

"Time doesn't heal all wounds...if we're not taking care of them" - Debra

"Instead of being surprised, we need to be prepared for the struggle to come" - Debra

"Sometimes our emotions speak different messages than God" - Debra

"Healing happens in layers" - Debra

"The root of spiritual health is really two things, our view of self and our view of God" - Debra

"Guilt is never a healthy motivator" - Debra

"We need to start seeing therapy as going to the gym to get strong" - Debra


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