Girls Night #117: How to Fall in Love with Reading the Bible

Today I'm chatting with Angie Smith about how to fall in love with reading the Bible. She'll teach why the Bible matters and how we can apply it to our daily lives.


  • Why it’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed or a little lost when trying to read or understand the Bible

  • Why it’s important to see the Bible as a whole story instead of just bits and pieces (and how we can study the Bible that way)

  • How seeing the Bible as one big story can answer some of our big questions about life

  • What God can do in our hearts and in our lives when we read the scriptures

  • How to intentionally make time for reading the Bible and resources that can help


(You can also listen right here!👇)



Hey friends! Welcome to Girls’ Night!

Today we’re talking about how to fall in love with reading the Bible. 

I’m excited about this episode because if you’re anything like me, sometimes reading the Bible feels more like a “should do” than a “get to.” Do you ever feel that way? We’re told about the power and beauty of God’s word, which puts on this pressure to where we feel like every time we pick up our Bible we should immediately feel our lives changing, our hearts transforming, and we should enjoy every single minute we spend reading it. 

But I think for a lot of us, sometimes the reality feels more like slogging through a really long book with absolutely zero pictures and really thin pages — a book with a bunch of names we can’t pronounce, dates we can’t remember, and laws we can’t make sense of. Sometimes it feels more like a really hard history class than a chance to connect with the God that loves us. Right? (Maybe this is just me, but I have a feeling I’m not alone here). But this is why I am SO excited about today’s guest. 

Our guest for today is Angie Smith. I have wanted to have Angie on the show for years now, partially because she’s hilarious and fun and the kind of person you just know you want to be friends with. But mostly because she is the author of my all-time favorite Bible Study. It’s called Seamless, and in it, Angie somehow finds a way to take us all the way through the Bible — from beginning to end, helping connect the dots to where we actually understand what we’re reading, why it matters, how to apply it to our lives, and really appreciate and enjoy it! 

I’ve gone through the Bible study twice already and I think it’s time for round three! 

Not only that, but along the same lines, Angie has another brand new book out called Woven. It’s an awesome resource and I’m just so glad you get to hear from her today!


Our guests, Marri and Lindsay from The Pause Podcast, are going to teach us how to refresh our quiet times with God and teach us the benefits of mindfulness (and what mindfulness even is).


Steph’s book, The Lipstick Gospel (here’s a paperback copy and here’s a free digital download!)

Steph’s prayer journal, The Between Places

Angie’s new book: Woven: Understanding the Bible as One Seamless Story (coming out on March 16, 2021!)

Angie’s Bible Studies:

Seamless: Understanding the Bible as One Complete Story

Matchless: The Life and Love of Jesus

Quotes Mentioned:

"I think if we're curious, we'll want to keep digging (into God’s word)" - Angie

"If you're intimidated by the Bible, maybe you start in a a verse or two a day and…meditate on that" - Angie

"I think there's something about changing the way you talk to yourself about reading scripture" - Angie

"This isn't a have to, it's a get to" - Stephanie

“I always thought the Bible was more of a salad thing, you know, but it isn't. It's a chocolate thing.” -Donald Miller, Blue Like Jazz book

"He's (God's) not a magic 8-ball" - Angie

“It's easier to believe that God loves you when you're not putting false human characteristics on Him” - Stephanie

“The Bible was not (only) written for the scholars who could understand it” - Angie

"The big story of scripture tells us who God is and who we are because of who God is" - Stephanie

"People can take more ownership of the Bible and their faith if they know what's in those pages" - Angie


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here’s another resource I know you’ll love!


Every Single Moment

A 100-day prayer journal to help you savor the present and prepare for the future!

Tell me more!